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Sans accord de publication par l'organisateur,
seuls les Coureurs ayant donné leur accord
pour visibilité publique sont indiqués .

Chrono Moyen : 03:37:30

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Nom et Prénom

Vitesse moyenne

Cl. Cat.
5492/7041COLLI ChristianPass 'running'04:15:5800:06:041002/V2M
5515/7041JAN Jean-paul04:16:2000:06:041007/V2M
5613/7041SIMON AlainLe Mans A 7204:18:1900:06:072247/V1M
5655/7041GAUTIER Patrice04:19:0300:06:081038/V2M
5726/7041ROLLAND Philippe04:20:1600:06:102274/V1M
5744/7041MAHE Viviane04:20:4500:06:11147/SEF
5762/7041LAMOUR Andre04:21:0200:06:111067/V2M
5789/7041DURAND Bruno04:21:4600:06:122285/V1M
5869/7041CHARUEL Annie04:23:0700:06:14314/V1F
6046/7041NICOLIC Jeanine04:26:5900:06:20146/V2F
6122/7041LEFEVRE David04:28:3900:06:221730/SEM
6177/7041TRIQUET Jacques04:29:5600:06:242390/V1M
6322/7041DAVID Christophe04:34:0800:06:301771/SEM
6419/7041JEAN Patrice04:37:5600:06:352453/V1M
6460/7041KERJEAN Jacqueline04:39:2100:06:37391/V1F
6469/7041LE DON Sebastien04:39:5100:06:381791/SEM
6509/7041GAUTIER Herve04:41:2200:06:402480/V1M
6535/7041LUCAS Christophe04:42:2500:06:422489/V1M
6597/7041KERJEAN Alain04:45:2900:06:462511/V1M
6615/7041MAIRE Christian04:46:1500:06:471255/V2M
6750/7041DANET Rémy04:54:1800:06:581282/V2M
6857/7041LE PICARD Murielle05:01:2300:07:09216/V2F
6942/7041JOLY Philippe05:10:3200:07:221327/V2M
7008/7041CHAPUY Jean-luc05:24:5800:07:421348/V2M
7037/7041DUVAL Michel05:49:1200:08:17241/V3M

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